Srophé Application : Documentation
Record View
Changing the HTML output is as simple as editing the existing XSLT stylesheets and CSS. Default stylesheets can be found in resources/xslt/tei2html.xslt
. Record views can use the default XSLT, XQuery or custom XSLT. Change the setting in the repo-config.xml if you would like to use something other then resources/xslt/tei2html.xslt
record.html is where your TEI data will be rendered.
You can display the full TEI:
<div data-template="app:display-nodes" data-template-paths="descendant::tei:TEI"/>
Or you can choose to 'chunk' your data, giving you the ability to move data around on the page.
<div data-template="app:display-nodes" data-template-paths="descendant::tei:placeName"/>
<div data-template="app:display-nodes" data-template-paths="descendant::tei:location"/>
Or you can customize your own display functions in app.xql
Sample custom function:
declare function app:h1($node as node(), $model as map(*)){
let $title := tei2html:tei2html($model("hits")/descendant::tei:titleStmt/tei:title[1])
let $author := tei2html:tei2html($model("hits")/descendant::tei:titleStmt/tei:author[not(@role='anonymous')])
<div class="title">
Internal Relationships are defined in the tei:relation
element of the current TEI record.
To add to HTML page as a sentence:
<div data-template="app:internal-relationships" data-template-display="sentence"/>
Sentence display will attempt to translate the relation element into an English sentence. Example:
<relation ref="syriaca:hasLiteraryConnectionToPlace" active="" passive="" source="#bib13-2">
<desc xml:lang="en">This author has a literary connection to places.</desc>
Ephrem has literary connection to place Izmīd, Ḥarran, Kalkh, Hanzīṭ.
or using 'list-description' which lists each related record separately
<div data-template="app:internal-relationships" data-template-display="list-description"/>
( Qadishe: A Guide to the Syriac Saints A Guide to Syriac Authors )
"Deacon, poet, and theologian."
Izmīd —
Ancient Nicomedia, a city in northwestern Anatolia .
Ḥarran —
"Syr./Hebrew Ḥārān; Latin Carrhae; Arabic Ḥarran. Ancient city in Mesopotamia, approximately 45 km south-southeast of Edessa."
External Relationships - Find any relationships mentioning current URI
Add to HTML page:
<div data-template="app:external-relationships"/>
To change or update functions you will need to edit:
Add to HTML page: Forth coming
Add to HTML page:
<div data-template="app:display-map"/>
Output options can be specified in the HTML page using the app:other-data-formats() function.
<div data-template="app:other-data-formats" data-template-formats="print,tei,rdf,text"/>
Options will be displayed in order listed in the above function. Currently available formats:
- print - sends page to printer, uses print.css for styles.
- tei - Print TEI to screen
- rdf - RDF XML
- ttl - Turtle triples
- text - Plain text of record
- json - JSON-LD for record
- geojson - geoJSON data if there is location information in record
- kml - KML for data if there is location information in record
See Content Negotiation Module for more information on formats and for help adding additional formats.
You can add a popup contact form to your record page (or any other page). Add to HTML page:
<button class="btn btn-default" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#feedback">Corrections/Additions?</button>
<div data-template="app:contact-form" data-template-collection="places"/>
Configurable options
Configurable options for the email module should be stored in /access-config.xml
This file should not be stored in GitHub, save it on your computer and upload it to eXist-db after deploying the application.
Example email configuration:
<smtp>SMTP server</smtp>
<contact listID="places">
<contact listID="sbd">
<!--Default contact -->
<!-- Configuration for recaptcha options -->
<!-- recpatcha secret key can be stored here or as a environment variable. (prefered) -->
- email SMTP server: Set SMTP server, if left blank eXist-db will use localhost.
- email groups: You can set groups by collection id, the listID must match a collection id in your repo-config.xml file.
- reCaptcha
- Set your recaptcha-secret-key in the file or as a environment variable.
- Include recaptcha-site-key